Metrics 101

A free workshop with Marcel Petitpas,
CEO of Parakeeto

Wednesday, November 16th at
10:00am–12:00pm PT via Zoom

Learn how to track the right digital agency metrics and feel your anxiety melt away

Join Louder Than Ten and our guest Parakeeto for a killer workshop. By the end of this workshop, you’ll have clarity on the 4 core metrics you can use to measure the most important aspects of your agency (and how to measure them). We’ll also talk about which benchmarks to aim for. You’ll be able to answer the most important questions agency owners ask themselves:

‘Where are we?’
‘Where are we going?’
‘Are we okay?’
‘How can we get to okay?’


  • A review of the agency’s business model & how they make money
  • Core financial metrics & how to measure them
  • Core non-financial metrics & how to measure them
  • Scoping accuracy & how to improve it using data
  • Putting it all together: Scenarios, Forecasting, & Q/A

Watch the recording

The work we did with Para­kee­to was incred­i­bly thor­ough. I felt like they real­ly explored our agency from top to bot­tom to out­put the best struc­ture for us mov­ing for­ward. We couldn’t be happier!

Chris Dreyer , CEO at

For any own­er of a ser­vice busi­ness, Loud­er Than Ten is an excel­lent short and long term resource for con­tin­u­ing to run an effi­cient, prof­itable, and peo­ple friend­ly busi­ness. If you’re think­ing about improv­ing the effi­cien­cy of your agency and the qual­i­ty of life for your team, LT10 is who you should turn to

Meet your guest speaker

Marcel Petitpas

Marcel Petitpas is the CEO & Co-Founder of Parakeeto, a company dedicated to helping agencies measure and improve their profitability by streamlining their operations and reporting systems, a problem he discovered while running his own agency back in his early 20s.

He’s also the fractional COO at Gold Front, an award-winning creative agency in San Francisco working with brands like Uber, Slack, Keep, and more. As well as the head strategic coach at SaaS Academy by Dan Martell, the #1 coaching program for B2B SaaS businesses in the world.

In his work as a speaker, podcast host, and consultant, specializing in Agency Profitability optimization, he’s helped hundreds of agencies around the world measure the right metrics and improve their operations and profitability.

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Agency Performance Metrics 101

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