A portrait of Paul Burton


Paul Burton

Design Director at 16toads Inter­ac­tive.

Paul is a long, looooooong-time vet­er­an of the inter­tubes hav­ing plied his trade as an award-win­ning pro­fes­sion­al design direc­tor with his web con­sul­tan­cy, 16toads Inter­ac­tive, for the bet­ter part of two decades, or sev­en thou­sand three hun­dred days. As a pro­fes­sion­al illus­tra­tor and pub­lished author, he is the founder, chief pen­cil­er and aspir­ing word-wran­gler behind Odd­Bur­ton and is quite con­tent hav­ing eschewed rich­es in lieu of fol­low­ing his passions.

He’s easy-going when not seri­ous, laughs fre­quent­ly, and has been told that he pro­nounces the word bag” fun­ny. He wields an HB pen­cil like a pen­cil, loves pep­pered beef jerky, and has been called the most all-around tal­ent­ed guy [I’ve ever met]” by a pre­sum­ably ine­bri­at­ed friend. Dur­ing cucum­ber pick­ling sea­son, he’s typ­i­cal­ly up to his elbows in brine, jar­ring the best pick­le you’ve nev­er tast­ed. And, for what­ev­er rea­son, he thinks danc­ing Pikachus are the great­est thing since choco­late chip cook­ies and scotch. He speaks at an occa­sion­al con­fer­ence, writes an occa­sion­al arti­cle, and skis as fre­quent­ly as he can.

His lat­est project, E is for Endan­gered,” is an ABC col­or­ing book of endan­gered ani­mals and will be avail­able on Kick­starter in April.
