A portrait of Lauren Deal

“If you can’t go through the front door, find a window”


Lauren Deal


Co-Founder, Interior Design & Operations at July Five.


Though my work expe­ri­ence spans over a few dif­fer­ent indus­tries one thing that remains the same is the inter­con­nect­ed­ness with­in the area of com­pli­ance. My career began work­ing as a Pro­ba­tion Offi­cer with­in the juve­nile and domes­tic rela­tions court and then even­tu­al­ly moved into the role of an inves­tiga­tive ser­vices offi­cer. In this posi­tion, I cre­at­ed pre-sen­tenc­ing reports for con­vict­ed felons which gave my overview and rec­om­men­da­tion of their sen­tenc­ing to the judge based on Fed­er­al Sen­tenc­ing Guidelines.

Upon grad­u­at­ing with my Mas­ters in Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion I tran­si­tioned into the health­care field. I secured a posi­tion with­in a health insur­ance com­pa­ny’s com­pli­ance depart­ment. This was an acci­den­tal find but a good fit based on my pri­or edu­ca­tion and expe­ri­ence. Health­care Com­pli­ance is a heavy project-based depart­ment. While steadi­ly pro­gress­ing with­in this field I have pur­sued and received my Green Belt in Lean Six Sig­ma project man­age­ment method­ol­o­gy. Although project man­age­ment is a nat­ur­al skill set using it with­in the Health­care indus­try is not where I ulti­mate­ly desired to be.

I decid­ed to pur­sue my true pas­sion which is inte­ri­or design. I went back to school to receive my bach­e­lor’s in inte­ri­or design where I decid­ed to spe­cial­ize in com­mer­cial projects more specif­i­cal­ly in the brand­ed space envi­ron­ment. This change came at the same time my hus­band was grow­ing his free­lance web devel­op­ment career. One day while dis­cussing our indi­vid­ual career goals and projects we saw them align­ing before our eyes and decid­ed to join forces to cre­ate a design agency spe­cial­iz­ing in dig­i­tal and phys­i­cal brand­ed spaces for minor­i­ty entre­pre­neurs and brands that want to mar­ket to those audiences.


Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Pho­to­shop & Illus­tra­tor, Sketchup, Vray CGI ren­der­ing soft­ware, Auto­Cad, HPMS, Share­point, Com­pli­ance 360, Per­form­PA, JIVA, Facets, EXP Macess, Client Let­ter, Right­fax, DMS Trizetto


Completed training in Philadelphia, PA, United States