Patti Epstein
Undergrad Degree - Rochester Institute of Technology, Scrum Master Certification,
How is digital project management different from other project management areas? For a Digital PM, our end game is products, websites or apps that support just about any organization. Now, I’m a Project Manager who understands digital workflows and best practices. I didn’t always use the terms discovery, project plan, wireframes or CMS, but I managed teams and processes that did those things. For 20 years, my job encompassed a wide range of technical and artist craftmanship – from making Space Ghost cartoons to commercials for Dove Haircare. From beta testing cameras and Motion Capture systems to interactive designs for Microsoft. Currently, I work at CNN managing design projects like “CNN Heroes,” Election Coverage, or Anderson Cooper Full Circle on Facebook Live. I’m always on call for Breaking News – because someone has to support clients with incredibly tight deadlines. So whether you call me a PM or a DPM…there are nine principles that I learned to successfully drive a project to completion, secure the budget, and sustain a highly functional team.
Guide clients through a robust discovery process to refine & define the project scope
Establish and support an environment where communication is key and never taken for granted
Make Project Plans dynamic to keep the team connected
Allocate enough time to adequately focus on content & design – it doesn’t create itself, and can make or break your brand
Be kind to developers. They are not just “resources,” but talented people with lives and families, not machines
Don’t treat QA as a luxury; it’s a necessity that CANNOT be skimped on or rushed
Use SCRUM as a successful Agile framework, if and when, the whole team can support it
Embrace budgets; They are not evil! They keep us honest and provide a solid foundation for tracking our progress
We, as projects managers, ARE the compass of the team. Implementing solid PM practices saves time and money and shapes organizations.
Having my team’s back and my clients’ budget means putting these core values into play every day with every project. Whether I’m managing a broadcast design project or web integration — Louder Than Ten’s program has given me skills to put them into practice and the confidence to know they make a difference.
Completed apprenticeship in Atlanta, GA, USA