A portrait of Rachel Cribby


Rachel Cribby


Writer at Loud­er Than Ten.

I’m a writer and SEO strate­gist. Pri­or to tak­ing the leap into free­lance work, I worked in online pub­lish­ing and then in the mar­ket­ing depart­ment for a tech start-up. I love to take a big-pic­ture, strat­e­gy-based approach to projects that goes beyond cre­at­ing con­tent for the sake of cre­at­ing con­tent. I’m an alum­nus of the Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course from Loud­er Than Ten, which helped me refine the way I run my writ­ing busi­ness considerably. 

In my spare time, I am an avid cof­fee and tea drinker as well as a life­long read­er (I par­tic­u­lar­ly love non-fic­tion). I have degrees in urban stud­ies and cre­ative writ­ing from Con­cor­dia Uni­ver­si­ty. I’ve lived in Mon­tréal, Toron­to, and Cal­gary, but I’ve found myself once again in my home­town of Wind­sor, Ontario, which is the south­ern-most part of Cana­da, locat­ed just across the Detroit Riv­er from the Unit­ed States (we’re tech­ni­cal­ly south of the USA here in Wind­sor — I know, it’s confusing). 

I love to lis­ten to lots and lots of music and to cre­ate well-inten­tioned albeit poor-qual­i­ty draw­ings in my bul­let jour­nal. As a record­ing artist, I have released two albums and toured around Cana­da (I have a lot of feelings).


Completed training in Windsor, ON, Canada