Adaptable processes for adaptable agencies
I train folks in digital project management and operations to support more ethical and sustainable digital agencies and their project teams. I love to help them create a framework for adaptable processes and operations that work for their teams, projects, and their own PM practices.
Training and teaching is in my blood
I’m a consultant and trainer at Louder Than Ten where I teach and support keen agencies and their PMs who are refining the art and science of project management so they can uplift their teams. I love to work with sharp teams of project managers, UX Researchers, developers, and designers while refining their approach to project process and their craft.
It started with maps: geospatial software design
My story begins in 2005 at a geospatial software design company where I dove headfirst into the world of Agile product management. In 2012, after five years of Agile practice, I was thrilled to run digital projects and teams while working at several Philadelphia-based digital agencies. My love of teaching grew as I began teaching and mentoring in the field with GirlDevelopIt, lecturing at several continuing education programs at local universities, leading workshops for professional meetup groups, and most recently, digital PM and operations consulting for digital agencies. I’m in love with learning and excited that I get to be a lifelong student as well as a teacher.
Communities mean everything
When I joined Happy Cog in 2013, I continued to speak and publish my work. Happy Cog’s involvement in the Digital PM Summit events (a first-of-its-kind conference series specifically for Digital PMs) introduced me to an increasingly active, international community of passionate DPMs. I’m dedicated to nurturing a community that supports one another, shares resources, and continues to revolutionize our respective industries.
I sure like bees
I’m also a ‘beek’ — short for beekeeper: keeping bees in the city has given me the opportunity to learn from some of the most incredible project managers and teams in nature. Beekeeping makes me a better observer and a more patient human, and I understand effective team systems a whole heck of a lot more after spending so much time with these amazing communities of insects. They’ve also given me a ton of great project analogies and bee puns to pollinate virtually any conversation.