A portrait of Ariel Kidwell


Ariel Kidwell

Studio Manager at Good Work.

I have 10+ years expe­ri­ence in inte­grat­ed mar­ket­ing and project man­age­ment for every­thing from tiny non­prof­its to glob­al agen­cies. I cur­rent­ly lead the sched­ul­ing and plan­ning of all Good Work’s projects, as well as client com­mu­ni­ca­tion and keep­ing the team on track. Out­side of work you can find me trav­el­ing to remote places and gen­er­al­ly doing all things out­doorsy. In anoth­er life I’ll have a tiny house in the moun­tains of Col­orado, but Dal­las will do for now. I’m mar­ried to the best part­ner-in-crime a girl could ever ask for and have a blood­hound mix named The Dude who fits his name­sake to a T.


Completed apprenticeship in Dallas, Texas,