A portrait of Diane Huynh


Diane Huynh

Visual Designer & Web Developer at Diane Win.


Diane has a BFA in Act­ing and Child Psy­chol­o­gy, and a Cer­tifi­cate of Graph­ic Design. She’s worked in archi­tec­tur­al con­struc­tion and inte­ri­or design before pur­su­ing a career in front end web devel­op­ment. She’s obsessed with mobile and con­tent first user inter­face designs and gets weak in the knees over con­sis­tent brand­ing and beau­ti­ful cal­lig­ra­phy. She’s also OCD about code struc­tures, and finds deep plea­sure in spot­ting the miss­ing semicolon.

You’ll find her vol­un­teer­ing for Cre­ative Morn­ings Van­cou­ver or men­tor­ing girls with Ladies Learn­ing Code. Guilty plea­sures include: black cof­fee, new sta­tion­ary, good food, a gen­er­ous glass of wine, and squats while brush­ing her teeth.


get naked

Strip down and reveal yourself to your clients