A portrait of Garrett Winder


Garrett Winder

Owner at Good Work.

Gar­rett start­ed Good Work, a web and mobile devel­op­ment shop, in ear­ly 2014 and leads the day-to-day oper­a­tions for the com­pa­ny. He has over 10 years of expe­ri­ence in dig­i­tal client ser­vices, and has spo­ken at con­fer­ences across the globe on the sub­ject of web devel­op­ment. Gar­rett lives in Dal­las, Texas where he serves on the advi­so­ry board of The Iron Yard Acad­e­my and runs up and down the Katy Trail entire­ly too much. Used to live in Eng­land, pret­ty obsessed with it.


Completed apprenticeship