A portrait of Jessica Kimmet


Jessica Kimmet

Jes­si­ca loves work­ing with peo­ple and feels that her real call­ing as a Project Man­ag­er is all about help­ing peo­ple suc­ceed. Jes­si­ca gets bored eas­i­ly and is excit­ed to be work­ing in the con­stant­ly chang­ing world of tech. She is active in the Port­land Dig­i­tal PM Mee­tups, always seek­ing ways to grow and share. Her pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence cov­ers mar­ket­ing, writ­ing, research, and recruit­ing. Jes­si­ca can often be found at the rock climb­ing gym or in her kitchen bak­ing choco­late stout cakes and prof­iteroles. Jes­si­ca is a res­i­dent of Port­land, OR and a native of Montana.


