A portrait of Laura Paine


Laura Paine


Senior Product Manager at William Joseph.

Hi, I’m Lau­ra, and a senior prod­uct man­ag­er at William Joseph, a design and dev agency in the UK. We work with some real­ly awe­some char­i­ties who are sup­port­ing some of the most vul­ner­a­ble peo­ple in soci­ety and tack­ling a range of issues includ­ing home­less­ness, pover­ty, and inequality.

My back­ground is dig­i­tal and char­i­ty based — mar­ket­ing, comms and fundrais­ing in the third sec­tor — and in 2017 was lucky enough to find a job for an entry lev­el project man­ag­er at an amaz­ing agency (Devel­op­er Soci­ety), where I was trained in PM by the very best in the busi­ness: Loud­er Than Ten. I’m now at William Joseph, lead­ing dig­i­tal projects and help­ing them to define and refine their process­es. I’m con­tin­u­al­ly blown away by how smart and cre­ative my col­leagues are.

I’m a Har­ry Pot­ter nerd, am the proud (though much poor­er and bro­ken for it) own­er of an insane ex-race­horse called Scar­let, an incred­i­bly smug cat called Bess, and a very trau­ma­tised res­cue dog­go called Stela (who the cat likes to fur­ther traumatise).


Empa­thet­ic man­age­ment of peo­ple and projects Organ­ised Process for progress Calm in a cri­sis (at least on the out­side, which is what counts…) *Excel­lent sense of humour
