A portrait of Natalie Semczuk


Natalie Semczuk

B.S., M.S. Science, Technology, & Society

Natal­ie is a Com­mu­ni­ty Sup­port for the Loud­er Than Ten Appren­tice­ship. She is also a con­sult­ing remote dig­i­tal project man­ag­er with a focus on oper­a­tions and grow­ing small agencies.

Between my fas­ci­na­tion by how tech­nol­o­gy allows us to com­mu­ni­cate and my graph­ic design back­ground, I find no short­age of new things to talk and learn about every day. 

I write about man­ag­ing teams and oper­a­tional process­es on my blog, run the PM Reac­tions site, and write DPM(ish) week­ly. Out­side of work, I’m a reg­u­lar at local yoga class­es, the cof­fee shop (decaf only, please!), and love post­ing far too many pho­tos of my cat, Ned.


Grow up!

It's time to step up and become leaders of our industry.