A portrait of Patrice Embry


Patrice Embry

Patrice has worked as a project man­ag­er for 2 decades, only she was­n’t always called one. From rela­tion­ship man­ag­er” to inter­ac­tive mar­ket­ing man­ag­er” to straight-up project man­ag­er”, she’s man­aged dig­i­tal projects for eCom­merce, finan­cial ser­vices, pharmaceuticals/​medical devices, and glob­al ser­vice providers. 

Patrice likes to focus her efforts on team build­ing, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and dynam­ics, as well as process. But at her core, she just loves to man­age projects. One of her most quot­ed say­ings is PMs don’t say yes or no, we offer options and consequences.”

When not man­ag­ing projects at work, she’s man­ag­ing projects at home, col­or cod­ing house­hold kan­bans and set­ting dead­lines for her hus­band, myr­i­ad kids, dog, and koi.
