A portrait of Rachel Gertz

“We fight to death for democracy in our lives. Why do we allow dictatorships in our workplaces?”


Rachel Gertz


Director of Growth and Delivery, Consultant at Loud­er Than Ten.


Sus­tain­able teams start with empow­ered project leads

Rachel Gertz is a Co-founder and Direc­tor of Deliv­ery and Growth at Loud­er Than Ten. She helps small to medi­um sized dig­i­tal agen­cies trans­form their dig­i­tal PM oper­a­tions through hands-on train­ing and con­sult­ing. Rachel helps own­ers, direc­tors, project lead­ers, and deliv­ery teams align their strate­gic approach to projects so they can ful­fill their role in gen­er­at­ing rev­enue and cut­ting down expens­es to cre­ate health­i­er, hap­pi­er, long last­ing teams — through a peo­ple first lens. Her mis­sion at Loud­er Than Ten is to pro­pel tech work­ers through an uncer­tain future by train­ing dig­i­tal com­pa­nies how to give pow­er to the peo­ple lead­ing their projects.

A lit­tle background

I’m a trained teacher with a Psych and Com­mu­ni­ty Health back­ground and teach folks who run dig­i­tal stu­dios and cre­ative depart­ments in the US, Cana­da, and over­seas through Loud­er Than Ten. I con­sult for, coach, and train own­ers, direc­tors, dig­i­tal project man­agers, account man­agers, pro­duc­ers, and their deliv­ery teams how to think crit­i­cal­ly and strate­gi­cal­ly about their project sys­tems so they can sup­port prof­itable out­comes and healthy oper­a­tions. I focus on teach­ing ways for them to reset and man­age stake­hold­er expec­ta­tions, while offer­ing a sim­ple frame­work for bet­ter esti­mat­ing, scop­ing, and fore­cast­ing work­flows — they enjoy real-time learn­ing while they work. 

Speak­ing and training

In addi­tion to design­ing and run­ning our pro­grams, I also speak and do work­shops at local and inter­na­tion­al events, I sup­port the Van­cou­ver DPM meet­up and DPM Slack group. My love of learn­ing and uncon­ven­tion­al approach is root­ed in my English/​Education degree, my pas­sion for sys­tems think­ing and prob­lem-based learn­ing, trau­ma informed heal­ing, and sev­er­al years of pro­gram man­age­ment expe­ri­ence work­ing with both kids and adults in lit­er­a­cy, health­care, and sui­cide prevention. 

Where to find me

If you look for me, I’ll be teach­ing, flex­ing my writ­ing fin­gers for our dig­i­tal mag­a­zine, Coax, speak­ing (or rant­i­ng) about sus­tain­able process­es while uphold­ing our wicked team. I’m thrilled that I get to wake up, shuf­fle to work, and help my team build pro­grams that pro­mote empa­thy, encour­age inclu­siv­i­ty, close the skills gap, and pre­pare peo­ple for the changes that will come with job automa­tion and (hope­ful­ly) a more demo­c­ra­t­ic society.

Help­ing projects and people

I’ve been train­ing project leads, free­lancers, and com­pa­nies while pro­vid­ing work­shops in project man­age­ment, process, and dig­i­tal strat­e­gy since 2012. Before that, I was a remote and in-house dig­i­tal PM and busi­ness devel­op­er for sev­er­al bou­tique agen­cies in Cana­da and the US includ­ing our own stu­dio since good old 2009. I’ve also been writ­ing con­tent since I had fin­gers and a spinal cord. Con­tent strat­e­gy and UX anchors every­thing I do. I’ve also got a love for and appre­ci­a­tion for oper­a­tions and finan­cials — espe­cial­ly teach­ing appren­tices how their orga­ni­za­tions make and lose mon­ey so they can sup­port their prof­itabil­i­ty and sus­tain­abil­i­ty. I believe that project man­age­ment is a skill as much as it is a role. Every­one ben­e­fits from learn­ing the ropes. 

We believe in an eth­i­cal tech­no­log­i­cal future

Fun­da­men­tal­ly, we believe that soft­ware can solve incred­i­bly big and com­plex prob­lems, but in order to do that, high­ly intu­itive, adap­tive lead­ers need to run those teams so they can stay focused on build­ing things our world actu­al­ly needs. Good process­es ele­vate our indus­try and good peo­ple enable us to solve prob­lems that mat­ter. We need more of both.

We sup­port community

We see a dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ty that is get­ting stronger and are doing what­ev­er it takes to decrease silos and bar­ri­ers for peo­ple who are inter­est­ed in doing cre­ative work togeth­er. This means sup­port­ing a diverse com­mu­ni­ty of dig­i­tal project leads and their teams and encour­ag­ing every­one to embrace con­tin­u­ous improve­ment. We also aim to help fix the intense short­age of project and prod­uct man­agers as indus­tries are thrown side­ways by tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ment. We believe that project leads are the lynch­pins in this indus­try: they have the pow­er to shape their orga­ni­za­tions and help them thrive. Now, we have to con­nect these com­mu­ni­ties around the world and start reshap­ing the tech industry.

Bot­tom line

Peo­ple who man­age process and projects need love and sup­port. They’re cre­ative thinkers, they’re adept, they’re com­plex prob­lem solvers. They’re love­able hardass­es who cham­pi­on their teams. And for that rea­son and all of the above, we will spend our lives sup­port­ing, cel­e­brat­ing, and uphold­ing them. 

Speak­ing events

  • Stake­hold­er Man­age­ment: Build­ing your Work BICEPS | Aten Design Webinar
  • DPM Sum­mit, Mem­phis (Keynote)
  • Ground Con­trol, London
  • Design & Con­tent Con­fer­ence, Vancouver
  • Van­cou­ver Design Week, Vancouver
  • DPM Sum­mit, Philly
  • DPM Sum­mit, Austin
  • Trade School, Vancouver
  • Pecha Kucha, Calgary

Recent work­shops

  • Dark His­to­ry of PM, Vanci­ty DPM Meetup
  • Met­rics that mat­ter, Vanci­ty DPM Meetup
  • Sta­t­ic vs sig­nal, Dotall, Montréal 
  • Bridg­ing the Gap Between Sales and Project Man­age­ment, Kick­ass PM
  • Words & pix­els, Vancouver
  • Soap! Krakow
  • Giant Con­fer­ence, Charleston
  • Every Day DPM work­shop, Vancouver
  • Bureau of Dig­i­tal; DPM Sum­mit, Philly

Get in touch if you’d like to chat.


Older Than Ten

We just hit our 11th anniversary this October, which makes us not only Louder but Older Than Ten

Look at yourself

Learn how to separate fact from fiction and let go of the thoughts that suffocate you. A process for breaking limiting beliefs.