A portrait of Reina Gattuso


Reina Gattuso

Reina Gat­tuso is a writer based between Del­hi and New York City (okay, New Jer­sey). She writes about sex and social move­ments with equal parts rhap­sody and sass. As a colum­nist at Fem­i­nist­ing, she’s com­mit­ted to pub­licly ana­lyz­ing her sex life for the good of wom­ankind. Her work has appeared in The Wash­ing­ton Post, Bitch, and Time. 

After grad­u­at­ing with her BA in com­par­a­tive lit­er­a­ture and gen­der stud­ies from Har­vard, Reina spent a year as a Ful­bright fel­low in cin­e­ma stud­ies at Jawa­har­lal Nehru Uni­ver­si­ty in Del­hi, where she researched mur­der­ous les­bians in Bol­ly­wood film and con­tin­ued learn­ing about social move­ments. Was this bio sup­posed to be in third per­son? Reina does­n’t know.
